B-Pro Show 2020
Autumn Show 2020


Invisible Infrastructure

Project details

Research Cluster RC12

As we are confined to our homes during lockdown, we seek out forms of virtual escape as a way of connecting with others or living out experiences no longer available to us.

Yet even as we have been working apart, we remain connected by infrastructure – all the services that provide for our needs. Yet the architecture of this infrastructure, the data centre or the substation, is not designed for human habitation.

Invisible Infrastructure is a networked online game that foregrounds these connections, asking us to look beyond the confines of domestic space to create a connected and collaborative world beyond.

Each player in the game selects their location and domestic typology, using common points of connection within the home as portals into an infrastructural zone where players can build and connect across the network. Players can build out from a tap, plug socket, or smartphone to create fantastical infrastructures that reveal all the services typically rendered ‘invisible’ within our homes.

Invisible Infrastructure suggests that we are more connected than things at first appear. But the game itself is also a new form of infrastructure, a collaborative virtual world, housed on servers and computers, providing a connection point for users across the globe, humanising this resolutely ‘non-human’ architecture.

Infrastructure Space

An in-game view showing a combined infrastructure built by online players.

Data Space

Data connections are made between different domestic spaces.

Visualising Invisible Infrastructures

An in-game view showing the different infrastructures connecting domestic spaces together.

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
B-Pro & Autumn Shows 2020
27 November – 11 December 2020