NeceCity consists of socially and structurally flexible living concepts for displaced people in urban areas. This project aims to provide the basic necessities – such as proper infrastructure and energy and water access points – in the most efficient way possible. Following an optimised modular system of aggregation, the aim is to design a flexible and sustainable mega-structure that bridges the gap to the city while strengthening displaced people’s feeling of integration, sense of community, and identity.
The design is computational and employs advanced technology such as optimisation, algorithmic problems, integrated software application, and an automated equipment system.
Flexibility and adaptability being fundamental concepts in the design, customisable elements were employed, ranging from the neighbourhood level down to the basic component. NeceCity is a growing phenomenon made of very simple elements and basic rules which, when combined, yield a complex and sophisticated system of infrastructure. Other than shelter, NeceCity offers multiple levels of common spaces with a range of different functions, including commercial spaces, micro-agriculture, and leisure activities. Sustainability is taken into consideration with the choice of material (wood), and the use of energy-producing solar panels and a water purification system.
Cores are viewed as a series of plugs and extension cords used to activate and connect urban spaces on social, cultural, and energy levels. This plug-in system is then translated structurally into Istanbul.
The growth of NeceCity follows the self-optimised and flexible branching pattern of the Steiner Tree. This directed logic of expansion combines the shortest path with minimum spanning tree algorithms.
The conception of NeceCity follows a systematic approach, moving from from network connections, to site analysis, to formal aggregation experiments, to the introduction of parameters, and finally to spatial optimisation.
The layers of NeceCity are organised with the most public on the commercial ground floor, the semi-private on the middle bridging layer, and the most private on higher residential levels.
For adaptability, NeceCity follows three structural systems: the floating and anchored systems in water, the grounded column system on land, and cores for energy and water distribution.
Aggregations follow a pattern of overlaid optimised grids derived by k-means clustering. The overlap in geometry is thus studied according to various angles of incidence.
By devising simple rules following a correlation matrix of elements, complexity in aggregation is achieved. This process yields spaces of different spatial qualities based on programmatic function.
After many experiments playing with the ratio between parts, angles of overlap, orientation, density, and rules of aggregation, a few ‘ideal’ configurations were derived from the conducted trials.
Iterations that performed well with the combination of solar radiation analysis, floor area ratio, and building coverage ratio were selected as optimised solutions for aggregation compositions.
NeceCIty is essentially an amalgam of elements of circulation, living units, columns, cores, and common spaces that are arranged together and combined to form a greater, more optimised whole.
Spaces are arranged in a flexible hierarchical system based on scale, going from the neighbourhood, to the aggregation, the cluster, the living unit, down to the scale of the smallest component – foldable furniture.
Commercial and leisure places such as cafés, markets, kiosks, plazas, and green spaces are provided on the ground level of NeceCity for the public to enjoy. It is a meeting place for people and interaction.
Installing living units on the roofs of residential buildings in Istanbul allows for easy distribution of purified water and solar energy, as well as a stronger bond between local and displaced people.