B-Pro Show 2020
Autumn Show 2020


Food Forest in Gibellina Nuova

Project details

Student Youngjin Jun
Design Studio Design Studio 2
Year Group Landscape MLA, Year 2

The aim of the project is to make an organic food production system, specifically a food forest, for African migrants and natives in Gibellina Nuova, in Sicily. This organic farming with migrants can be one of the solutions to tackle current issues in Sicily.

Firstly, food production can give migrants an opportunity for economic activity. The participation of young migrants in agricultural activities can also satisfy a lack of workforce in Sicily which is experiencing a decreasing population and aging society. Lastly, the influx of the new industry can invigorate Nuova Gibellina by bringing new people into the ghost town.

In the context of the climate crisis, the food forest will play a role in connecting other woodlands through a corridor passing through Gibellina Nuova. The food forest follows an organic farming method and contains diverse programmes such as an agricultural school, food manufacturing factories, and entertainment spaces. Located in the forest, these various programmes can be a bridge to connect the forest to the urban context. Thus, the project proposes several methodologies to make the food forest coexist with the urban context. This productive landscape will encourage both natives and migrants to live together in the forest, blocking out the strong sunlight in Sicily.

Gibellina Nuova’s Food Forest

An axonometric site drawing illustrating the design of Gibellina’s proposed food forest. The food forest will include educational facilities, food factories, and entertainment spaces that will be connected along the main circulation corridor.

The Gate of the Food Forest

At the gate of the food forest, a food manufacturing factory and agricultural school are designed adjacent to the food park and theatres.

The Townhall of Gibellina Nuova

An illustration of the design proposed to transform Gibellina Nuova’s town hall and surrounding urban context into an area for entertainment. The addition of trees and shaded areas as well as diverse programming will help draw local users back to this area.

San Giuseppe Church’s Hill

An illustration of the landscape around San Giuseppe Church, which will become the main food forest with a high density of trees. Additionally, a fertiliser house and botanical nursery will support the sustainable forest, while a community kitchen helps bring together locals and migrants.

Zoom Image

The Food Forest Comes to Life

A series of views of the activated landscape and town centre of Gibellina Nuova. People can experience the continuous food forest from the townhall roof gardens or experience the site from the townhall plaza and outdoor theatre.

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
B-Pro & Autumn Shows 2020
27 November – 11 December 2020